Hyundai Accent has a banging noise/sound

The most likely causes for your Hyundai Accent having a banging sound are interior noises (like rubbing objects), noises from under your car (like worn brake pads or tyres) or noises from under your hood (like a slipped belt or a worn alternator).

Ask A Mechanic β†’

Why does my Hyundai Accent have a banging noise/sound?

It is important to note that when trying to identify a sound coming from your Hyundai Accent, you try to pinpoint where the noise to coming from. Is it coming from inside the car, the front dashboard, the boot of the car, the engine, the tyres or maybe from something scraping along the road? Is the banging noise happening when your car is idle or when you’re driving slow or when you’re driving fast or when you’re driving over bumps or when you’re accelerating or… do you just hear it all the time?

Is banging coming from under your car?

The most common reason for your Hyundai Accent to have a banging noise/sound coming from under your car is worn brake pads. The remedy for this is having your brakes checked and possibly having your brake pads replaced. You can try and wash your car, spraying the wheel wells to remove dust, but this only has a slight chance of helping. While you’re checking the dust around this area, have a look at your tyres as you can hear a banging-type sound from tyres that are not correctly aligned. Other potential causes can be loose lug nuts (may not have been tightened after changing tyres), faulty ball joints (noticeabole when turning your car), axle problems or worn-out shock absorbers (try pushing down on the front or back of your car to see if you hear the sound).

Is banging coming from your engine or from under the hood?

The most common reasons for there to be banging noises coming from under the hood/bonnet of your Hyundai Accent are worn belt tensioners and pulleys or low oil/coolant. For some quick troubleshooting, top up your oil and coolant to see if this stops the noise after driving around for a little while. Other potential causes for banging include dirty or worn out spark plugs, using regular fuel instead of premium fuel in newer cars, a build up of carbon inside the combustion chamber of your engine, worn crankshaft bearings or a damaged crankshaft.

Is banging coming from inside your car?

The most common reasons for there to be a banging noise coming from inside your car are loose interior panelling, open glove compartments & centre console lids, banging drink bottles in holders, worn window channels/seals, small items (like loose change) banging inside plastic compartments or wind causing loose objects to create a banging sound. These can generally be fixed cheaply by removing the objects, closing compartments or using a screwdriver to tighten banging interior components.


How do I fix my Hyundai Accent when I have a banging noise?

If the banging sound is coming from inside your car, the fix can be simple and quick – find the loose object & remove it or find the interior component making the noise so you can fix it with a screwdriver. If the banging noise is coming from under your car hood/bonnet, you can wash your wheel wells, checking that your tyres are looking good and topping up your oil and coolant. If you’ve tried these and your car is still banging, we’d recommend that you book a mechanic to look at your Hyundai Accent as soon as possible.


Should I still drive my Hyundai Accent when it has a banging sound?

We’d recommend that you do some quick checks to make sure the noise isn’t from dusty wheel wells, low oil/coolant or from an interior noise then, if these are not the causes, only drive your car as far as your local mechanic, if the banging noise continues.

